services | research
Dr. Natasha Haskey's research interests include diet and the microbiome, inflammatory bowel disease, probiotics, and prebiotics.
Current Research Focus:
Natasha completed her PhD at The Centre for Microbiome and Inflammatory Research at the University of British Columbia – Okanagan, in Kelowna BC under the esteemed guidance of Dr. Deanna Gibson.
Upon completion of her PhD, Natasha has since joined forces with Dr. Maitreyi Raman (MD, MSc, FRCPC), a gastroenterologist and nutrition researcher specializing in nutrition for digestive diseases at the University of Calgary, Calgary AB.
Natasha’s research program focuses on the intricate relationship of dietary components and their impact on the gut microbiome, inflammation, and disease activity in patients living with inflammatory bowel diseases.
Natasha is honoured to hold a Triangle Amplify Award -Research Fellowship. TRIANGLE (TRaIning A New generation of researchers in Gastroenterology and LivEr) is a national training program to transform research and patient care in gastroenterology and liver.